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Chamomile blossom (3dl sample)
SKU: NäyteKamomillaK
Gentle and versatile, chamomile is good for the stomach, intestines, skin and mind.
$ 2.79 VAT. 14%
Marigold (3dl sample)
SKU: NäyteKehäkukka
An antimicrobial plant that cleanses the body and relieves inflammation. It also soothes flaky and i...
$ 2.42 VAT. 14%
MetaSupport (3dl sample)
SKU: MetaSupNäyte
  • glucoquard
To support metabolism and balance blood sugar levels.
$ 4.90 VAT. 14%
Magnesium (3dl sample) Nordic
SKU: NäyteN50053
High quality and delicious pelletized Nordic Magnesium is a supplement that is absorbed quickly and ...
$ 9.24 VAT. 14%
Tallituku's product sample category offers customers the opportunity to test a variety of products related to horse care and welfare in small sample quantities. This allows the suitability of products to be assessed before purchasing larger batches. Customers can test how their horse reacts to the product, whether the horse likes it and whether the product is suitable for the horse's needs. This avoids unnecessary large purchases if the product turns out not to be suitable. Product sampling is an excellent way to ensure the product's effectiveness and compatibility with the horse before buying a larger package.